Singing Guide: Jeremy Schonfeld

Singing Guide: Jeremy Schonfeld

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to Sing Like Jeremy Schonfeld

Jeremy Schonfeld is a singer-songwriter and composer known for his powerful performances and emotionally charged lyrics. Schonfeld is a classically trained pianist and a dynamic vocalist who has created a unique style that combines elements of rock, pop, and classical music. If you're interested in learning to sing like Schonfeld, there are some key techniques to master.

  • Breath Support:

    One of the cornerstones of Schonfeld's singing style is his emphasis on breath control and support. Work on exercises that strengthen your diaphragm and help you control your breathing. Singing from your diaphragm will enable you to hold notes longer and maintain greater vocal control.

  • Vocal Range and Dynamics:

    Schonfeld's vocal range is impressive, and he often employs dynamics to showcase the full expressive range of his voice. Practice exercises that help you expand your vocal range and increase your ability to sing with power and intensity.

  • Emotion-Focused Delivery:

    Schonfeld puts a great deal of emphasis on the emotional content of his songs, and his vocal delivery is a key part of that. Practice singing with emotion, using phrasing and tone to convey the emotional arc of a song.

  • Unique Textures:

    Schonfeld's unique style incorporates a wide range of vocal textures, from a delicate falsetto to a gritty, rock-and-roll growl. Practice exercises that will help you build these textures into your own singing style.

If you're serious about learning to sing like Jeremy Schonfeld, there are also plenty of resources available on Singing Carrots to help you get there.

Some key resources to check out include:

  • The Vocal Range Test: Determine your own vocal range and compare it to Schonfeld's with this simple but effective test.
  • Pitch Accuracy Test: Practice singing simple melodies and hone your pitch accuracy with this quick quiz.
  • Pitch Training: This interactive vocal warm-up and pitch visualizer tool can help you build your range and agility, while also improving your vocal control and accuracy.
  • Song Search: Find songs that fit your vocal range, style, and genre preferences. Study Schonfeld's work or explore your own style with this useful tool.
  • Singing Course: Also, consider taking the comprehensive, 21-lesson singing course that can teach you fundamental skills and practical tips for enhancing your singing voice.

Mastering the unique singing style of Jeremy Schonfeld can be a challenge, but with the right training and resources, it's possible to build a powerful and expressive singing voice that reflects your own style and personality. Get started today!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.